How long is a piece of string?
By Suzanne Hudson
Artforum, March 2019

Vanessa Maltese & Nathalie Du Pasquier
By Milena Tomic
Frieze, 2016

Birds flew down to peck at the painted grapes
By Alison Syme
Artforum, October 2016

Birds flew down to peck at the painted grapes (CRITICS PICK)
By Leah James
Artforum, 2016

Contemporary Painting (World of Art)
By Suzanne Hudson
Published by Thames and Hudson

JAM ON TOAST - Conversations with Katie Lyle and Vanessa Maltese, David, Hucal, Hanna Hur and Jennifer Carvalho
Organized by Katie Lyle

Published by Slow Editions, 2016

2013-2015 Vanessa Maltese (artist monograph)
With essay by Aryen Hoekstra
Published by COOPER COLE

Text to accompany solo exhibition, I saw her duck
By Jenine Marsh
COOPER COLE, November 2023

The Other Side: Artworks from the RBC Canadian Painting Competition Alumni
By Justine Kohleal
The Power Plant, September 2018

The Drinker’s Apophenia
by Jac Renée Bruneau
C Magazine - Text to accompany Pet rock multiple

By Dave Dyment
Artists’ Books and Multiples

Poodle Cloud
By Dave Dyment
Artists’ Books and Multiples

By Dave Dyment
Artists’ Books and Multiples

Copies of articles available upon request.